Stupid ow...

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Stupid ow...

#1 Post by palmboy5 » Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:57 pm

Is it possible to be "awkward" in a "very, very good way"?
For computers, buying cheaply and often will only leave you constantly in a world of shit.


#2 Post by Guest » Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:14 am

Not graceful; ungainly.

Not dexterous; clumsy.
Clumsily or unskillfully performed: The opera was marred by an awkward aria.

Difficult to handle or manage: an awkward bundle to carry.
Difficult to effect; uncomfortable: an awkward pose.


adj 1: characterized by beauty of movement, style, form etc.; not awkward [ant: awkward] 2: suggesting taste, ease, and wealth [syn: elegant, refined]

good ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gd)
adj. bet·ter, (btr) best (bst)
Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor: a good experience; good news from the hospital.

Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing: a good exterior paint; a good joke.
Serving the desired purpose or end; suitable: Is this a good dress for the party?

Not spoiled or ruined: The milk is still good.
In excellent condition; sound: a good tooth.

Superior to the average; satisfactory: a good student.
Used formerly to refer to the U.S. Government grade of meat higher than standard and lower than choice.

Of high quality: good books.
Discriminating: good taste.
Worthy of respect; honorable: ruined the family's good name.
Attractive; handsome: good looks.
Beneficial to health; salutary: a good night's rest.
Competent; skilled: a good machinist.
Complete; thorough: a good workout.

Reliable; sure: a good investment.
Valid or true: a good reason.
Genuine; real: a good dollar bill.

In effect; operative: a warranty good for two years; a driver's license that is still good.
Able to continue in a specified activity: I'm good for another round of golf.

Able to pay or contribute: Is she good for the money that you lent her?
Able to elicit a specified reaction: He is always good for a laugh.

Ample; substantial: a good income.
Bountiful: a good table.
Full: It is a good mile from here.

Pleasant; enjoyable: had a good time at the party.
Propitious; favorable: good weather; a good omen.

Of moral excellence; upright: a good person.
Benevolent; kind: a good soul; a good heart.
Loyal; staunch: a good Republican.

Well-behaved; obedient: a good child.
Socially correct; proper: good manners.
Landing within bounds or within a particular area of a court and therefore in play: The first serve was wide, but the second was good.
Passing between the uprights of the goal and therefore scoring, as a field goal in football.
Used to form exclamatory phrases expressing surprise or dismay: Good heavens! Good grief!


Something that is good.
A good, valuable, or useful part or aspect.
Welfare; benefit: for the common good.
Goodness; virtue: There is much good to be found in people.
Commodities; wares: frozen goods.
Portable personal property.
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) Fabric; material.
goods Slang. Incriminating information or evidence: tried to get the goods on the crook.
Marked by or causing embarrassment or discomfort: an awkward remark; an awkward silence.
Requiring great tact, ingenuity, skill, and discretion: An awkward situation arose during the peace talks.

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#3 Post by palmboy5 » Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:49 am

thnx XD next time shes on...................... :P
For computers, buying cheaply and often will only leave you constantly in a world of shit.

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#4 Post by oW_bAby » Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:54 am


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#5 Post by palmboy5 » Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:56 am

now now, dont make me quote ur lil spazm on AIM.. XD
For computers, buying cheaply and often will only leave you constantly in a world of shit.

Site Crazy Girl
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#6 Post by oW_bAby » Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:06 am

DUDE. I don't even know why I did that. Are you like, obsessed with my stupidity?

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#7 Post by palmboy5 » Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:09 am

kinda, yes.
For computers, buying cheaply and often will only leave you constantly in a world of shit.

Site Crazy Girl
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#8 Post by oW_bAby » Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:11 am

I want to say you're a retard, but I have a feeling you're gonna make me contradict myself.

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#9 Post by palmboy5 » Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:16 am

good, now i dont need to :]
For computers, buying cheaply and often will only leave you constantly in a world of shit.

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