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#151 Post by I7Iz490N » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:24 pm

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#152 Post by palmboy5 » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:29 pm

lol the difference between 1T and 2T for me is 1000MB/s increase in transfer speed (1T being better)

dunno, now im running like my previous settings with 1T. before, these settings made Prime95 fail Blend test (CPU and RAM intensive) like 1.3 hours in. so i rebooted and change back to 2T (which is SOO MUCH slower.) and left it running on Prime overnight the same way but when i went back this morning the system was shut off, i boot it back up, see the XP Welcome screen, walk away, go back, the system is off.

reboot, set to everything stock (except voltage, they stay high) and it seems stable, reboot, set everything to how it is now with 1T and neither Prime instance has failed in 4 hours so far.. random. unless raising the RAM voltage by 0.05V makes THAT much of a difference

can you link me these stuff about A8N32 fucking up? i wanna see if i can relate..
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#153 Post by 2005 » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:53 pm

Well... I know nothing about voltages or how to change them for ram or CPU but I've read with even a good OC you should only need to raise it .01 .02 V at most.

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#154 Post by 2005 » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:54 pm

That ram is rated for 2.9 volts.. so 2.705 shouldnt fux with it.

I've also heard people say that rasising the voltage is another way of OC'ing instead of messin with the FBS????

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#155 Post by palmboy5 » Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:13 pm

wtf? no voltage has no effect on performance, only stability. and a good normal OC may need 0.02V at most, but if you wanna go higher to like 2.7GHz+ the needed increase in voltage becomes something like 0.2V.

my RAM is rated at 2.9V so 2.75 shouldnt fux with it? how? its lower.. noticably. i have my RAM at 3.05V. it did memory intensive Prime95 for 4 hours stable, i stopped it, played some FEAR, started it, and it failed in 12 minutes, started it again, it failed in 14 minutes, now its fine in CPU-only torture test >< raaandom
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#156 Post by palmboy5 » Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:13 pm

ill start off with... i had this Maxtor 120GB external HD, but the HD died long ago, and i have this free hitachi 80GB that overheats easily, so today i decided to open up the maxtor external box and take out the 120GB. that was all good, its out, and i put the 80GB in place of the 120GB in the box, i try it out.. IT WORKS! through USB 2.0 too XD

anyway so as a permanent setup i would connect the USB cable to the BACK of my tolchester, so i roll out the PC (which is on this sweet roller/skate i got yesterday, its awsome) to the point that the top exhaust fan was no longer under the table, so now i can stick my head over it and look. i notice something weird.. why is part of my P4 12V+ extension black?

i remove the side panel and LOL: ... fried1.jpg ... wires1.jpg
see the big black bunch on the right wire? that used to be some of the blue plastic on the plug itself, it totally melted on.

2005, you were so right.. lol XD ... fixed1.jpg
there, in electrical tape now.

lets hope things are more stable now.
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#157 Post by palmboy5 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:17 am

LOL changing the two upper case fans from Low to High, my case temp goes from 44C to 39C


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#158 Post by I7Iz490N » Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:32 am

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#159 Post by palmboy5 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:35 am

one what? 165? every chip except for X2 3800+ gets the heatsink ><

well i did 8x250 and lowered RAM to 2.9V, CPU stays at 1.4V, 50% load temp is 50 (OC 50% load was 55, full load 60), i saw somewhere that highest stable temp is like 55C, which then during full load at least, i was over for a long period of time and may explain the instabilities...
so like i made the clock speed 8x250 so that in the CPU sense it isnt creating as much heat but RAM still runs the same as previous settings where it crashed, just ran it for.. 8 hours, 41 minutes. awsome ^^ that was only one instance, just one prime for one core, imma try and see what happens with two instances
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#160 Post by I7Iz490N » Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:50 am

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#161 Post by palmboy5 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:03 am

no! loser. lol get the 165, a little more than X2 3800+, better OCer, its a toledo so it has full 2x1MB cache, 4200+ is still "manchester" and has less the cache. i think it matters now... lol i saw a 165 vs x2 3800+, the 3800+ won in everything except for games, where the 200MHz slower 165 caught up like hell, the author said it was the cache. so its faster by default by about 200MHz and it can OC higher... get it!
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#162 Post by I7Iz490N » Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:01 pm

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#163 Post by 2005 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:33 pm

You dont need that HSF... the X2 series run very cool anyways... and decently cool even OC'ed with stock cooling. Just have good case cooling and your fine. (good case cooling is like 2 80mm fans lol)

Im still getting a 3800+, theres no reason not to. IDC if the 165 outperforms the X2 in games... im going from a CPU that is the eqivalent of a 2" penis in a porno film.

That HSF isnt all that its cracked up to be, cooling isnt that important on an A64 unless you wana OC 500mhz or more.

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#164 Post by I7Iz490N » Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:11 pm

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#165 Post by palmboy5 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:26 pm

i DO want to OC 500MHz or more. my goal is 2.7GHz, but ill be happy with 2.6GHz.. BUT. it seems the highest temperature my CPU can take without becoming unstable is 57C, which is exactly what i get in load at 10x250 1.350V. cooling is a major problem T__T

X2 series running very cool is relative, and is mostly just comparing with today's intel equivalents, the X2 creates more heat than my AXP, i thought the heat gushing out from under the table was bad before, this X2 is crazy, ambient temp is like 2-3F warmer than the rest of the house
For computers, buying cheaply and often will only leave you constantly in a world of shit.

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