i need vik
Moderator: victimizati0n
- Site Drunk
- Posts: 789
- Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:26 pm
- Site Drunk
- Posts: 789
- Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:26 pm
Drinking is only fun when your drinking with someone.
And its a great way to socialize. When I have about 10 beers in me Ill pretty much talk to anyone, like girls I wouldnt talk to when im sober. So going to a party and being to shy to talk to anyone blows... knock off a 12 pack of bud and id talk to anyone in the room.
Its just when you go to far with it, thats when things go bad. My family has a problem with drinking, more specifically certaint people on my mothers side.
My gram used to drink like a fish, and while she does still drink more then she should its gotten alot better due to her heatlh problems.
Her second husband also abused alcohol and his wife because of it.
Two of her sons abuse alcohol and one basically got cast aside from the faimly for it. He's no longer invited to any kind of gathering and we rarely ever see him.
I myself have probably only drank about 10 times in my life, getting drunk 1/3 of those times.
And its a great way to socialize. When I have about 10 beers in me Ill pretty much talk to anyone, like girls I wouldnt talk to when im sober. So going to a party and being to shy to talk to anyone blows... knock off a 12 pack of bud and id talk to anyone in the room.
Its just when you go to far with it, thats when things go bad. My family has a problem with drinking, more specifically certaint people on my mothers side.
My gram used to drink like a fish, and while she does still drink more then she should its gotten alot better due to her heatlh problems.
Her second husband also abused alcohol and his wife because of it.
Two of her sons abuse alcohol and one basically got cast aside from the faimly for it. He's no longer invited to any kind of gathering and we rarely ever see him.
I myself have probably only drank about 10 times in my life, getting drunk 1/3 of those times.

- Site Drunk
- Posts: 789
- Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:26 pm
Social activity is a point... drinking because your with your friends and its something to do.
I drink with friends because they want to get drunk, and its alot more then just sitting around hitting a bottle of jack in silence... people act retarded and I sit there watching. Its gets funnier as you get drunker.
Just the conversations I've overheard while drinking at friends house make it funny.
16 year old kid whos the boyfriend of the guys whos hosue were at's sister:
he gets a call from his mom, shes at walmart. He's like can you come get me. She says no im at awalmart. He says what the fuck kidna talk is that, your at walmart lol.
Then he calls some guy ( a friend of his ) and asks if he made it back from his trip alright. The kid he called never went on any trip... the drunk kid says he was calling to make sure the iraqies didnt blow up his airplane and that he loves him.
This kid is roasted off his ass.
Me and my friend were playing this kid and the kids who's house were at, were playing them 2 on 2 eight ball losers have to slam 2 beers in a row.
We lose the first match and win the next 8 in a row.. and their not drinking their beers just keeping a note of how many they "owe" us. So they start slamming their beers... they get to about 4 a peice and after that the kid starts all this monolouge thats up there lol. Funny as fuck.
I drink with friends because they want to get drunk, and its alot more then just sitting around hitting a bottle of jack in silence... people act retarded and I sit there watching. Its gets funnier as you get drunker.
Just the conversations I've overheard while drinking at friends house make it funny.
16 year old kid whos the boyfriend of the guys whos hosue were at's sister:
he gets a call from his mom, shes at walmart. He's like can you come get me. She says no im at awalmart. He says what the fuck kidna talk is that, your at walmart lol.
Then he calls some guy ( a friend of his ) and asks if he made it back from his trip alright. The kid he called never went on any trip... the drunk kid says he was calling to make sure the iraqies didnt blow up his airplane and that he loves him.
This kid is roasted off his ass.
Me and my friend were playing this kid and the kids who's house were at, were playing them 2 on 2 eight ball losers have to slam 2 beers in a row.
We lose the first match and win the next 8 in a row.. and their not drinking their beers just keeping a note of how many they "owe" us. So they start slamming their beers... they get to about 4 a peice and after that the kid starts all this monolouge thats up there lol. Funny as fuck.

exactly my point, if u wanna eat dinner and sip some wine fine, if u wanna drink a few beers or whatev straight... u can do that with or without ur friends... ive seen situations where someone will b like im gonna get a bunch of alcohol and we can drink it and have fun, then the other pple turn him down, and hes like oh man now i cant drink... well im like why the fuck not, cuz ur alone and u wont have other pple see u downing drinks... fuck outta here with that shitvictimizati0n wrote:then what is the point of drinking?mannyace wrote:getting drunk for the sake of getting drunk is gay...
and then when u do it with other pple and think that since theyr around and ur all together and that makes u cool, that shit pisses me off... dumb fucking college kids
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