Moderator: victimizati0n
I cant prove wether or not I can see my penis, so you'll have to take my word on it.
I could prove that I can run the 2 miles in under 15 min but I would have to film it and then you'd have to watch all of it to make sure I didnt run the first and last parts, knowing you would only watch the first and last min or so.
Obese, I dont know about obese... overweight yes.
But as I said before, how many people do you see walking around that are 100+ pounds overweight that can run half a mile period or do two pushups????
Ill get some weightlifting vidoes up soon though, to prove im not a fat sack of crap.
It may be a while though unless my friend starts lifting with me again sooner (he claims he's goana start lifting with me in feb 07).
Plan to see a 400+ pound benchpress, 500+ pound squat and 500+ pound deadlift. For someone who's that far overweight, you fat would hurt you not help you... so the fact im 300 pounds doesn't negate any of my lifts.
I could prove that I can run the 2 miles in under 15 min but I would have to film it and then you'd have to watch all of it to make sure I didnt run the first and last parts, knowing you would only watch the first and last min or so.
Obese, I dont know about obese... overweight yes.
But as I said before, how many people do you see walking around that are 100+ pounds overweight that can run half a mile period or do two pushups????
Ill get some weightlifting vidoes up soon though, to prove im not a fat sack of crap.
It may be a while though unless my friend starts lifting with me again sooner (he claims he's goana start lifting with me in feb 07).
Plan to see a 400+ pound benchpress, 500+ pound squat and 500+ pound deadlift. For someone who's that far overweight, you fat would hurt you not help you... so the fact im 300 pounds doesn't negate any of my lifts.

Also just to note, I do not try to justify my being overweight by how strong I am. I only mention that because my relatively high amount of strength allows me to be far more able bodied then most people who are even nearly as overweight as I am right now.
My lifestyle is in no was affected by my weight right now, I still hunt, fish, play sports and lift weights. I might not be the fittest person out there, but for as far overweight as I am I do damn good.
Right now (according to the gym scale which needs recalibrated badly) im 315 pounds. I think I carry that much weight wrather well for being 5'10. ... CT0010.jpg
Heres a pic from a while ago (like 2 weeks).
I plan to do body recomposition. I will be adding lean muscle mass and takeing off fat. My body weight wont change that much on the scale (30-50 pounds at most) by my apearance and body fat percentage will change alot.
By next summer I plan to be 250 pounds at 15% body fat. While having atleast a 400 pound bench, 500 pound squat and 500 pound deadlift.
Few men ever bench 400 pounds, let alone 20 year old men.
My lifestyle is in no was affected by my weight right now, I still hunt, fish, play sports and lift weights. I might not be the fittest person out there, but for as far overweight as I am I do damn good.
Right now (according to the gym scale which needs recalibrated badly) im 315 pounds. I think I carry that much weight wrather well for being 5'10. ... CT0010.jpg
Heres a pic from a while ago (like 2 weeks).
I plan to do body recomposition. I will be adding lean muscle mass and takeing off fat. My body weight wont change that much on the scale (30-50 pounds at most) by my apearance and body fat percentage will change alot.
By next summer I plan to be 250 pounds at 15% body fat. While having atleast a 400 pound bench, 500 pound squat and 500 pound deadlift.
Few men ever bench 400 pounds, let alone 20 year old men.

Thats big on arnolds, congrats.
I've taken the first step in body recomposition today. I played around with a wider bench grip and dragon may see that 400 pound bench before all that long. I did some dumbell and bent over rows and then hit up alittle incline bench before I did half an hour on the elipitical.
Not that I have to prove myself, but im sure I could get a video with my digital camera of me smokeing 275 or something for an easy rep.
I've taken the first step in body recomposition today. I played around with a wider bench grip and dragon may see that 400 pound bench before all that long. I did some dumbell and bent over rows and then hit up alittle incline bench before I did half an hour on the elipitical.
Not that I have to prove myself, but im sure I could get a video with my digital camera of me smokeing 275 or something for an easy rep.