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Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:41 pm
by Directive
And this is so you have that extra option for other OS? Is it really that big-a-deal? Maybe it's better I don't know ;)

I sent an email to Sony about why I can make a virtual PS2 memory card and not be able to play PS2 games. This is there response...

"Thank you for writing us with your questions about why you can create an internal memory card for PlayStation(R)2 format software but cannot play PS2™ games. Part of the internal memory card function is to create PS one(TM) Memory Cards, because the PlayStation(R)3 computer entertainment system will still play most PS one™ games."

I had to read it like 4 times. There is absolutely no answer to my question in that answer. Just to be fair, this is my question quoted...

"Why am I able to make a PS2 virtual memory card on my PS3 if it wont play PS2 games at all?"

I'm dumbstruck :shock:

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:06 pm
by palmboy5
lol they're saying that the PS2 virtual memory card is used for PS1 virtual memory card as well and I know for a fact that doing an unnecessary change, especially when it only applies to certain models, is just going to add problems. Situations like tech support calls would result in sometimes the support guy having to say "PS1 virtual memory card" and sometimes "PS2 virtual memory card" which can just get confusing and is prone to error. Thats if they just rename the option in the UI. If they actually do a change where they remove PS2-only code from the feature's code, thats going to add the possibility of an error on something that already works.

From a quick search it looks like the card is the same for PS1 and PS2 so their choice sounds reasonable to me.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:03 pm
by 2005
Exactly... no need to reinvent the wheel.

Rather then write the code for a "PS1" memory card it's easier just to leave it like it is.

Any time you change code you present the ability for everything to go horribly wrong.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:02 pm
by Directive
I can make a PS2 virtual memory card and a PS1 virtual memory card. It lists it separately on my machine. I don't see the big deal on getting rid of the PS2 virtual card and keep the PS1 one, cus I can play them if I so desire.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:52 pm
by palmboy5
TOS Version 5.0 (December 15, 2009): "You authorize SCEA to provide such content and agree that SCEA shall not be liable for any damages arising from provision of such content or maintenance services."

TOS Version 6.0 (April 21, 2010): "You authorize SCEA to provide such content and agree that SCEA shall not be liable for any damages, loss of data or loss of functionalities arising from provision of such content or maintenance services."

We're fucked. DNS workaround doesn't work anymore and GeoHot hasn't said anything in a while, now what?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:49 am
by palmboy5
Black Saturday was better than Black Friday this year as well. Fry's ad was twice as long as the Friday pages yet again.

Wagan 2014 Air Compressor (LIES, its a pump) for car tire usage
FREE = $9 - 9 MIR

Wagan EL2057 Spotlight
FREE = $11 - 11 MIR

Bytecc ME350V4-ISA-BK 3.5" SATA/IDE to USB enclosure
FREE = $20 - 20 MIR

A&D UB-521 Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor
$2.99 = $28.99 - 26 MIR

MicroGear EC10212 ROCCO Remote Control Helicopter - Red

All of the purchases were for the lulz because the prices for more important things were not great. For example the $100 LCD this year (vs last year) is a 20" 1600 x 900 LED LCD. Lameee!

The helicopter is difficult to fly :P

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:56 am
by Directive
We got a red Wii a week ago, granted not on black Friday, Super Saturday or Virtual Monday. Paid 199 for that red bundle. There are only 2 bad points I have so far with it, no HDMI and no DVD/blu-ray. BUT, in the subject of last years backwards compatibly, I find the Wii is fully compatibly with came cube. Accepts game cube disk's directly, there is a spot to plug in 4 cube controllers and 2 memory card slots for cube memory. I can get rid of my game cube console. Unlike having to keep my PS2.

P.S. might it have been better to start a new thread for each years great buy trio days sales? Just a thought.

P.S.S. Not sure how I am gunna be able to post my zeppelin gif's in my sig. in the future. I got an email from RR stating the're discontinuing home page service. That is where I store my links for these pic's.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:18 pm
by palmboy5
Yes a Wii has also been called a GameCube on steroids.
... And it sucks :D
But I did buy two GC controllers so I could play SSBB on the Wii.

This thread didn't seem long enough to start a new one, and the thread title wasn't year-specific...

A quick check of other people's sigs (on another forum) indicates that others actively use photobucket, imageshack, and tinypic.