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Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:19 pm
by palmboy5
I don't know where you get the 6x and 3x numbers because I believe I had more than adequately explained that the reality is more like a 0.2-0.25x difference. You seem to still want to compare apples to oranges. Show me these ASUS products you speak of.

Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:20 am
by 2005
More specifically read the parts where they talk about the Sony Vaio PRO and Dell XPS laptops
designed to compete with the MacBook Air. Essentially they are priced almost identically. The
Vaio is actually more expensive, but it does come with a better display. In the end, the value
for the cost is the same when you consider the upgraded display.

The market has caught up enough that apple can no longer get incredibly high premiums for their
stuff. It seems to be pretty darn close, if anything.

I was impressed with a near 13 hour battery life out of that mid 2013 mac book air. You could
use that laptop all day long without needing to charge it, making it a truly mobile device. I
just don't know how well I'd cope with a 13" screen.

Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:49 am
by 2005

I also don't want you to feel that I'm flying the apple flag high and proud. I've had issues with my iPhone 4s, a couple
and they were annoying to deal with. So far I haven't had any issues with my iPad mini, but my fiance did have some
problems with her MacBook 2,1 including it deciding to stop charging.

One other annoying thing would be if you do not live very close to an apple store. IF something does happen to your
apple product, you can't get parts and pretty much no one other than apple will be able to fix it. That is because apple
doesn't sell parts to anyone, making it difficult if not impossible to get genuine apple replacement parts.

It's a high quality product, which has gotten better about being so over priced... but it's not a perfect product either.

Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:28 pm
by Directive
Thank you 2005, that's another way of putting it. I in no way think Apple is crap. I think they make high quality products. I have a hard time believing nobody else comes close. the numbers I used were exaggerated just to make a point. I guess I like having options.

Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:05 pm
by 2005

I don't know why.... but this should have made it on to my first post in this page?

Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:57 pm
by palmboy5
I'd probably get a retina macbook air next, when they finally release one.
I have a hard time believing nobody else comes close.
While this is a good general notion of things, the reality is that Apple has asshole business practices that effectively prevent competitors from being able to compete with Apple's quality.
Such as: ... num_supply

Here's a more general article about Apple's practices. ... ry-forces/

Basically, Apple keeps competitors years behind by hogging the supply of "the good stuff".

So start believing it. Nobody else comes close.

Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:37 pm
by Directive
I wont fund that kind of practice. They must be bright tho at apple. Why else does apple come up with these things before PC makers. PC makers shouldn't be trying to be like apple, but be better then apple. Come up with it first.

Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:41 pm
by palmboy5
In the big picture, Apple competitors do come up with it first... such as smartphones, fingerprint scanners, mp3 players, and tablets. But they don't ever do the job well. Just saying, coming up with it first is only half the battle.

My Atrix 4G had a fingerprint scanner years before the iPhone 5s, but I can't imagine a regular person liking the scanner (but I can live with it..). Sometimes the scanner doesn't initialize after turning on the phone and you just have to determine after a few swipes that the phone isn't going to unlock, and you have to turn it off and on again. Frustrating inconsistency that the iPhone implementation does not suffer from.

Do the job right the first time!!!

Unfortunately, I'm not the kind of person to subject myself to lesser products or products I don't want just to protest against bad business practices. That's not my job and it wouldn't make a difference anyway.

Re: I have met with the devil, again

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:30 pm
by Directive
Point taken. I guess I should be the unfortunate one who's current rig is more then enough for what I need it for.