2005's fat ass

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#16 Post by palmboy5 » Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:11 pm

Could someone explain how the hell body fat is calculated? Not as in how, but how how, you know? Who made up this shit and how full of shit is he?
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#17 Post by 2005 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:38 am

Well you either have to esitmate or you have to have a test done.

For our football program in highschool we were all given bodyfat tests at the start of each season.

When I was 225 pounds in grade 8 my bodyfat percent was 17%. I weighed in at 260 durning my 9th grade year and was 22% bodyfat. 10th grade year I weighed over 300 but not sure how much over and was at about 25% and then my senior year (didn't play in 11th grade) I was 315 pounds at 25%.

Bodyfat percentage is every part of your body thats not water, bone, vital tissues or lean muscle mass.

So when I was 315 pounds at 25% that meant I had 78 and 3/4 pounds of solid fat on me but I also had 236.5 pounds of lean weight. Meaning if I had ZERO bodyfat (which is impossible, you'd die) then I'd of weighed 236 pounds. Most people can never get to and maintain anything less then 6-7% bodyfat.

Based upon those tests from 2 years ago coupled with the fact I'm stronger then I was back then I can esitmate my bodyfat percent.

I now weigh about 270 and my bodyfat percentage is roughly 20-22%. I've lost a wee bit of muscle mass because football was way more physically demanding then anything I've done since graduating highschool.

If your not very muscular/strong you can use the BMI chart. It'll take your height and weight and give you your body mass index and tell you how much you should weigh for your frame size/height. For someone like me that doesn't work, because the average 5'10 male doesn't carry over 200 pounds of lean body mass... hell probably not even 170 pounds.

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#18 Post by victimizati0n » Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:17 pm

how do you calculate bodyfat?

i have one of those scales, and it says i have 12% bodyfat, but im sure they arent very accurate

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#19 Post by victimizati0n » Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:18 pm

damnit, owned by not clicking page 2...

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#20 Post by victimizati0n » Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:20 pm

my BMI is 21.3 so what does that mean?

tats what my body fat is??

if that is true, fuck, thats horrible

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#21 Post by 2005 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:23 pm

It means your normal and that you don't have on average a higher or much higher amount of LBM.

For my height/weight I'm in the obese section although I look much MUCH different then most truely obese people.

Take two guys both standing 5'10 who both weigh 250 pounds. Ones a college linebacker and the others the average joe couch potato.

Do you really think the linebackers going to be obese? Thats why the BMI chart is flawed for anyone carrying anything more then the relatively little amount of muscle most people carry.

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#22 Post by I7Iz490N » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:10 pm

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#23 Post by palmboy5 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:39 pm

lol go work out, don't go the fat route, go muscle building ^^
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#24 Post by 2005 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:13 pm

Eat more and lift if you want it to be muscle. Be prepared to work very damn hard for those 30 pounds. Bigger people have an easier time adding muscle but even at that it took me 10 months to gain 30 pounds of solid muscle weight and even that was damn fast for even someone my size.

Key is you have to eat more, if your not getting enough calories you wont grow no matter how much you eat.

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#25 Post by victimizati0n » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:48 pm

hey 2005, im looking to lose a bit of weight, what are some things you suggest i eat?

im pretty short (damn) 5'8" and i weigh between 132-138

i used to weigh 150, but i droped down to this weight, and i cant really lose anymore.

the only real reason i want to is because when i eat a lot my stomach gets big and it looks like im fucking pregnante, when i dont eat for a few hours i look fine, but that really pisses me off

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#26 Post by I7Iz490N » Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:52 am

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#27 Post by victimizati0n » Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:42 am

I7Iz490N wrote:just do situps and work on those abs o-o
well, its not like that if u get my point.

i have a thin layer of fat over my abs (i have abs, they are just covered up)

also, having your abs show has nothing to do with exercise, but diet, i could do 500 situps a day and work my abs for 3 hours, but i would still never see them.

not tryin to be an ass here ;)

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#28 Post by 2005 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:11 pm

Not really sure you need to lose weight. At 5'8 and 138 pounds you should be around 8-10% body fat easily making you a lot leaner then average.

But if you think you need to lose "fat" (weight would consist of muscle too and you don't want to lose that) then overall there are a few things you need to do in order to achieve that goal.

Fat loss is about calories in over calories out. You have more calories going out (through exercise and what your body burns to function) then you have coming in and you'll drop fat (provided your doing at least something physical to help the muscle stay on and getting a fair bit of protein). You take in more calories then you use/burn and your body will store them as fat, simply put. Meaning if you did ab crunches every waking minuet but ate more calories then you burned then you'd get fatter and fatter all the time.

You should be eating about 150-180 grams of protein per day. The only way to tell how much you should eat would be to track your calories, meaning everything you put in your face from the time you get up till the time you go to bed. Say your eating 2000 calories per day for 3 weeks and haven't lost a single pound. Drop the calories to 1600 per day and mathematically if you do everything else the same as the three weeks prior you'd have to lose weight (hopefully all fat).

For the record, you cannot reduce fat in any one area by itself. If you have a fat ass and a fat stomach you wont be able to "target" those areas. You have to lower your body fat % on a global scale to see those areas slim up.

In order to lose the 55 pounds I've already lost, I had to rethink/learn a lot on the subject.

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#29 Post by victimizati0n » Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:13 pm

yeah, im mainly half-assing it.
im gonna have to start writing all of the shit down that i eat and start tracking this stuff, and go from there.

8-10% bodyfat isnt much at all, but i got alot of meat on my bones.

i hate being short, but its life, im closer to 5'7" but i say i am 5'8"

so you think i have around 12% body fat or so? That doesnt sound like that much to me

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#30 Post by 2005 » Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:58 pm

12% isn't that much at all. Be happy your not 270 pounds at 22-24% bodyfat =/

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