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Re: Faster Download

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:37 pm
by palmboy5

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:14 pm
by Directive
OK 2005, now you're just showing off. I would love even Plamboy5's speeds. Either yall are in a great area or it's costing a fortune. I pay $70/month for mine.

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:27 am
by palmboy5
Mine's $82.95/month. :(

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:49 pm
by Directive
I looked at the coverage map and my state is surrounded. So close.

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:30 pm
by 2005
I pay about $170 a month for this internet package, home phone and the highest level
TV package they offer. The company I work for pays around $100 a month of it towards
the bill though since I work from home. Otherwise I'd have a slower package, and a lower
TV package.

The speed I get is totally not necessary, almost nothing I do requires that. I miss an
episode of a TV show here or there, so I download it.... or a windows 10 image or

No big deal if I wait 20 min for the download vs 5 to 7 min. I'm not in that big of a hurry

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:09 am
by palmboy5
I can see the argument that speed isn't that important above a certain point, but that's a misleading way of looking at it. Looking back to the days before Netflix streaming and YouTube, you could have said something similar.. that faster speeds are "totally not necessary." And it was true, for all your uses of the internet, it was fast enough...

The reality is, your use of the internet is shaped by the quality of your internet service and we are far from reaching a definitive "totally not necessary" level of service.

Looking to the future, to the growing "cloud" storage.. our connections aren't fast enough at all. Backing up 30GB+ of GoPro footage I might capture in a day takes minutes for my home server, but would be an overnight affair if uploading to the cloud at 10Mbit/s. It's not just speed either, because recently Comcast introduced a 1TB/month bandwidth cap. This means that REGARDLESS of the speed of my internet, it would take upwards of TWO YEARS to back up my current data on my home server to a cloud storage service. Under that context, my internet service is entirely impractical and means there exists something I could be doing with the internet that I cannot do due to my internet service being inadequate. But yet, for what I DO use the internet for.. it is adequate. Go figure.

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:35 pm
by 2005
I agree 100% with what your saying in that the quality of your connection can limit what your practically able
to do. Someone like yourself, who creates/consumes a lot of "data", has a limit imposed upon what you "can" do.

It is entirely possible that there may come a day where bandwidth needs have inflated a lot and the bandwidth I need
for the things I do with my connection may grow substantially as a result in changing what I do online. If I were to
start recording a lot of 4K video, and taking a lot of high res photos, or maybe capturing myself playing many hours
of a game or something.... and I wanted to back that up to the could... then yes I would need better upload for sure.

Right now, I surf the web, watch youtube, email, and RDP to my amazon workstation. 200+ down and 12 up is wayyy
overkill for that. I can't say my needs or desires won't change, but I think it's a ways off. If I had to guess, I would think
that the biggest increase coming for me would be streaming 4K video.... but I think my current download rate is more
than good enough for that. Plus I don't even own a 4K display yet :)

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:44 am
by Directive
First - Did a migration from Time Warner to Spectrum. Now I pay $5 less for 60Mbps down and 5Mbps up. This is my test, done while my wife is streaming a video...

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:50 pm
by palmboy5
Congrats :P

Perhaps we should all get VPN services too so our ISPs can't spy on our activities :O

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:41 am
by Directive
New speeds for the same price.

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:34 pm
by 2005
I recently made a change because my cable bill was getting to be a lot more than I wanted to spend on cable, and really the resulting difference (other than the total bill being $70 less a month) is that my speeds are now 25 down / 6-7ish up.

That's cutting it pretty close for a lot of streaming needs... but 1080p is fine in there. I don't have a lot of "bandwidth saturating" going on as no one really uses the connection throughout the day other than me. So I'm gonna give this a whirl... to get back up to the 230 + down and 15 up I'll need to pay 18 a month more. Really wanting to see if I "need" it or not.

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 6:44 pm
by Directive
They uped my speeds for the same price. Paying $65/month for 100 down and 10 up. I have internet only through cable, no TV, and no phone.

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:47 am
by palmboy5
Just checked and AT&T Fiber (thats 1000mbits, baby!) says its available at my address! :O But I'm in the middle of a "first 12 months" contract with Comcast... lol.

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 8:04 pm
by Directive
I wish I could get fiber at my addy. It's Verizon Fios for fiber here.

Re: Faster Download

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 3:21 pm
by 2005
No fiber in my area either.... but I'm getting about 50 down and 6-10 ish up depending on time of the day.

I saw some adds on slickdeals for like $39 a month 1st year deal on FIOS... crazy speeds, personally wouldn't
get to make much use of them though.