by Guest » Mon Oct 04, 2004 8:20 pm
To Phil:
o·pin·ion [ə pínnyən]
(plural o·pin·ions)
1. personal view: the view somebody takes about a certain issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment
In my opinion it’s all a waste of time.
2. estimation: a view regarding the worth of somebody or something
They had a pretty low opinion of me.
3. expert view: an expert assessment of something
I told the doctor I wanted a second opinion.
4. body of generally held views: general assessment, judgment, or evaluation
pundits and other opinion formers
5. law conclusion of fact: a conclusion drawn from observation of the facts
[14th century. Via French from the Latin stem opinion- from opinari “to suppose.”]
be a matter of opinion to be open to dispute or debate
be of the opinion that to think that something is the case