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Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:28 am
by palmboy5

i never thought a fucking pic would annoy me so badly :shock:

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:18 am
by philp
Antix wrote:WTH did I waste the past 3-5 mins reading all I missed? I knew it was nothing.... yet I had to read it... Why?
It's like a bad car wreck. You don't want to look, yet you're drawn to it in some sick, twisted way.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:47 am
by palmboy5
im not, i HATE the ppl who do though... its like the accident is on the other fucking side of the highway and were all moving at like 10mph cuz everyone wants to slow down to fucking look from our side

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 5:24 pm
by Antix
LOL. I know what ya mean PALM... Makes ya wanna get out and kill those ppl... at least I feel that way..

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:45 pm
by palmboy5
nah.. it just makes me wish i was one of those suiciding terrorist (or are they all suiciders? ^^)

with a small nuke in my car... yup... now THAT will give them a reason to slow down... forEVUR!


Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:07 pm
by philp
palmboy5 wrote:nah.. it just makes me wish i was one of those suiciding terrorist (or are they all suiciders? ^^)
Wouldn't you rather be the guy who can talk those idiots into strapping a bomb to themselves and setting it off? That's the guy you have to admire. He knows there won't be 72 virgins waiting in Heaven for him but he can get those morons to believe it. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:44 pm
by palmboy5
LOL 72 virgins, 72 professionals. thank you.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:10 am
by palmboy5 ... ygxecy2p85

dude... dollar tree has 2 flags... mexican and america.. wtf? ^^

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:15 am
by philp
You asking me?

BTW, does anyone know what's incorrect about that picture?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:33 pm
by palmboy5
yeah i was holding my phone sideways to get it to fit

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 8:55 am
by palmboy5

HOWD THEY TURN 71/54 INTO 48?!?!?

friggin COLD

thats 22/12 into 9 in non-retarded system

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:30 am
by philp
:?: :?: :?:

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:20 pm
by palmboy5
the weather.. its hell cold in the bay area... it got kinda warmer... comfortable later on but PE first period in that weather o.O

LOL last years winter was warmer than this morning! EXCEPT winter had high winds.. the wind chill was insane (for a desert like here)

*sigh* and the whole time i wore PE t-shirt and shorts uniform.. no sweats like the others :P , the grass was wet, and we played soccer. good shit dawg ><

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:03 pm
by philp
Well, duh! Any simpleton could have figured out you were talking about the weather. I suspect even Dragon would not have been fooled.

What I can't figure out is where the hell that post came from!!! First we're talking about terrorists, then 72 virgins and then BAM! The weather report. :shock:

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:12 pm
by Guest
1+1 = 10. :|