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Is U.S. stuck in Internet's slow lane?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:06 am
by Directive

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:45 am
by palmboy5
The hell do they mean "starting to"?? Been like this for as long as I can remember. Makes trips to Taiwan a bit more enjoyable (laggy to US sites so meh). But then its not like this is the only thing the US sucks at.. cell phones, cars, multicultural acceptance, etc. I think the main reason things aren't improving is due to the arrogance and in turn ignorance of this country. Since when did having the world's most powerful military mean life in the country was also the best?

On a side note, US isn't only lacking in extreme speeds, but is also lacking in extremely slow speeds for those who really don't need the speed but need the always-on connection (like multiplayer gaming). :D You can get a 384/384 (I think it went even lower) SDSL connection for 8 bucks per month in Taiwan. Perhaps adding these sorts of speed packages will help increase the proportion of the population using broadband here. :] It'll be damn easy too.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:20 pm
by 2005
The problem is that you do you cannot teach acceptance, only force it. This country was founded on the right and your ability to do and say as you would like even though you'd hardly know that these days.

Things like internet speed and cell phone coverage areas can really improve though. In this day the price we pay for cable internet should get you 1000 KB's / 200 KB's without a doubt. There are a few areas about 3-4 miles in circumference that get no cell phone coverage in my immediate town as well... un acceptable for where I live and it being 2007.

I do agree though that different packages should be introduced. Like a 1000/512, 3000,1000 would be good. Packages like that should also only cost like $10 and $15 a month. If you want the whooping 10000/2000 then pony up the $40-45 a month.

But no, you get one maybe two choices and usually only one service provider per area.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:29 pm
by palmboy5
Nah there aren't usually just one service provider per area. More like per utility type. So you've got a DSL company vs. a Cable company... There is no question who wins. The DSL company offers something along the lines of 3mbit because they can't go much higher, and the cable company offers something obviously faster than it but not by all that much. The result is that you're stuck at speeds way below 10mbit and it takes the introduction of fiber optics to change this trend. Unfortunately from what I remember, may be wrong, even Fios isn't true fiber optic since they only upgraded the electrical poles to fiber. The route to the home is still normal cabling.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:33 pm
by Directive
I have Verizon for cell and I can't beet the coverage in this area. Its about the only thing verizon offers thats any good. As for fiber to the home, I have seen them run fiber to a building but only in new construction.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:17 am
by 2005
Here verizon dsl nets you about 3 mbps on a good day, comcast cable interenet gets MOST people 10 megabits.... and I get about 7 at best =/

Here dsl is like $30 a month for 3 or cable for $47 a month and 7 mbps.