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ISP's confirm '2012: The Year The Internet Ends'
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:19 pm
by Directive ... -Ends.html
Not to sure on how to read this yet. My gut is like, no way. I don't kn ow how long it supposedly has been in the works, but just cataloging the entire internet would take FOREVER!! in itself.
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:04 pm
by palmboy5
I'm not going to watch the video since it looks like a bunch of brats my age thinking they know enough, but I know of two possible reasons they will mention:
1.) US network infrastructure is outdated
2.) If the Net Neutrality Act fails.
Neither of them mean the end of the internet, especially because BOTH of them are US domestic issues ONLY. With the growing world powers of the EU and China, I doubt a failing country like the US would make much of a difference to the well-being of the internet in the near future.
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:36 pm
by Directive
ISP's confirm '2012: The Year The Internet Ends'
Published on Monday, June 09, 2008.
Update: Bell Canada and TELUS (formerly owned by Verizon) employees officially confirm that by 2012 ISP's all over the globe will reduce Internet access to a TV-like subscription model, only offering access to a small standard amount of commercial sites and require extra fees for every other site you visit. These 'other' sites would then lose all their exposure and eventually shut down, resulting in what could be seen as the end of the Internet.
Dylan Pattyn *, who is currently writing an article for Time Magazine on the issue, has official confirmation from sources within Bell Canada and is interviewing a marketing representative from TELUS who confirms the story and states that
TELUS has already started blocking all websites that aren't in the subscription package for mobile Internet access. They could not confirm whether it would happen in 2012 because both stated it may actually happen sooner (as early as 2010). Interviews with these sources, more confirmation from other sources and more in-depth information on the issue is set to be published in Time Magazine soon.
What can we do?
The reason why we're releasing this information is because we believe we can stop it. More awareness means more mainstream media shedding light on it, more political interest and more pressure on the ISP's to keep the Internet an open free space. We started this social network as a platform for Internet activism where we can join forces, share ideas and organize any form of protest that may have an impact. If we want to make a difference in this, we have to join together and stand united as one powerful voice against it.
Join the movement.
Don't let the Internet evolve to this:
For more information:
Mail the I Power team at
The previous news item on the information leak (which quickly became one of the biggest Internet news items of the year)
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:59 pm
by 2005
They're never going to kill the internet. It's responsible for billions and billions of dollars worth of business.
How are they going to just throw away all that money?
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:42 pm
by I7Iz490N
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:28 pm
by palmboy5
They aren't throwing away that money. The ISPs don't get money from those companies that benefit, and now with Web 2.0 shit (high bandwidth usage), the costs for them are getting really friggin high vs their income.
Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:46 pm
by 2005
The internet will never die.
Major corporations could acquire ISP's and keep them up, even if it cut into their profit they would still have a profit if you follow.
It's not going anywhere, it's to valuable.