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Damn crap from Best Buy

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:30 am
by Directive
I had to bring my wifes desktop to the geek squad (I got 2 yr PSP). Getting stuck at post. I had to disable the logos to see whats going on. It checks video fine, memory fine, HDD and RDD are fine, then it gets to "Checking NVRAM.." and stops. I tried replacing PS and I tried removing the battery and reset the bios and they didn't work. It's an eMachine ET1831 and I put in a second HDD and a video card.

I used that subject because a laptop I got from best buy, also with 2 year PSP, had to get taken to the geek squad for service and they practically rebuilt it.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:19 pm
by palmboy5
Interesting to hear that someone actually uses their warranty! :D
To me warranties are virtually nonexistant, I don't consider them and almost never use them other than through the concept that I can return something within a reasonably short time if I dont like it.

My stuff don't seem to die that quickly anyway and I don't go to Best Buy... so maybe Best Buy really does sell crap.

I was talking with some Mac users and they cite Apple's excellent service when fixing those sorts of problems as why they use Macs. I am sorry but that falls on entirely deaf ears. :\

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:58 pm
by Directive
LOL get this. I pick up the desktop and bring it home. I plug everything in and when I push the power button I can hear the CPU fan kick on but it seems just when you think it will post beep it shuts down. O.o
The green light bar doesn't even come on. Back I go to geek squad.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:58 pm
by palmboy5
Psst, its an eMachine :D

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:48 pm
by 2005
Golden rule(s) when a machine isn't posting:

1) remove all memory sticks and re seat them

2) if number one fails, remove memory sticks and reseat just one stick in the first slot

3) if two fails try another stick, I would try at least two sticks

4) disconnect anything that isn't necessary for the computer to post like cd/dvd drives, modems, video cards (if your motherboard has build in video), extra hard drives, sound cards, wireless cards. basically you want only your OS hard drive, ram stick, and a video card if you need one (no on board video)

5) if the computer still wont post then try to remove the processor and reseat it.

6) as a last ditch effort try a new IDE/SATA cable to your OS disk

If these steps all fail then you have a serious issue, like a processor, motherboard that needs replacing or ram sticks that are bad

If your handy with a volt meter it never hurts to meter out the power supply and make sure everythings as it should be there...

I've found most often a reseat of the memory fixes booting issues.. a few times I've seen a PCI 56K modem or CD ROM drive keep a system from posting. If you have added new hardware always suspect it's causing your issue... as the system worked before hand.

IDE/SATA cables do go bad, ram sticks do go bad and I've seen processors and motherboards flake out. Just be deductive about it and most issues can be sorted out pretty quick

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 7:55 pm
by Directive
Well, i'm not messin with it too much because of the PSP. Why would I have too. I took it back 4 times. 1 - replaced MB. 2 - replaced MB. 3 - replaced HDD. 4 - scrap it and hand us a new one due to there lemon policy. We will be getting it Sunday.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 5:55 pm
by 2005
Well I'm just saying lol...

I never take my computer to a repair shop... most times following just what I posted you can be up and running in no time.

It's cool that they're replacing it though

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:12 am
by Directive
Got an HP s5730y desktop as a comparable trade for the Emachine. up and running for 2 days now with no problems.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:34 pm
by palmboy5 ... 48692#N401

I love how it says "LAN: 10-Base-T" when its 10/100 rofl

Cute looking board without a PCI-Express X16 slot too.