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Dargon and I, ancesters? Fuck YES!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:28 pm
by Q12321
MrBlOnDeXtRa: Omg.
MrBlOnDeXtRa: Dude, you and palm.. are like..
MrBlOnDeXtRa: my ancestors
GuitarGuy632: What?
MrBlOnDeXtRa: only if you, me , 2005, and palm
MrBlOnDeXtRa: could live together
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
MrBlOnDeXtRa: :|
GuitarGuy632: OMG
GuitarGuy632: That'd be some shit
MrBlOnDeXtRa: dude..
MrBlOnDeXtRa: itd be like
MrBlOnDeXtRa: 2x harold and kumar or sumthing
GuitarGuy632: We would never shut up
MrBlOnDeXtRa: yeah,
MrBlOnDeXtRa: and
MrBlOnDeXtRa: we're all good with our diff things
MrBlOnDeXtRa: u with ur..
MrBlOnDeXtRa: guitar?
GuitarGuy632: And I'd have the fear of you raping me
MrBlOnDeXtRa: :S
GuitarGuy632: And Vid cards
GuitarGuy632: POk
GuitarGuy632: Ok*
GuitarGuy632: Any kind of sound equipment too
GuitarGuy632: HAHAHAHAHA
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
MrBlOnDeXtRa: i h8 u
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
GuitarGuy632: Hahaha
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
MrBlOnDeXtRa: dude
MrBlOnDeXtRa: Tell me
MrBlOnDeXtRa: what ur best field of (computers) expertise is
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
MrBlOnDeXtRa: Mine = computer hardware
MrBlOnDeXtRa: 2005s = video editing/computer software i guess
GuitarGuy632: Hmm...
MrBlOnDeXtRa: palmboy = inono
GuitarGuy632: Any kind of sound shit.
MrBlOnDeXtRa: LOl
MrBlOnDeXtRa: ok

WTF mates?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:47 pm
by palmboy5
im good at ionno

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:02 am
by Guest
LOL palm. Q, why'd you take out the part about where you said you hate Antix? LOL.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:09 am
by Q12321
MrBlOnDeXtRa: dude
MrBlOnDeXtRa: antix
MrBlOnDeXtRa: fucked up our forum
MrBlOnDeXtRa: :D
GuitarGuy632: I know
GuitarGuy632: Dumb bitch
MrBlOnDeXtRa: atleast when i did it wasnt as bad and u guys got mad
GuitarGuy632: I hate the dumb bitch
GuitarGuy632: And I know its a guy
MrBlOnDeXtRa: AND now, im over that crap
GuitarGuy632: But he's a bitch
MrBlOnDeXtRa: i dontcare about post count
MrBlOnDeXtRa: i used to (yes i wont lie)
MrBlOnDeXtRa: but now i dont
MrBlOnDeXtRa: i havea bad habit of replying to everything thats posted
GuitarGuy632: Yeh
MrBlOnDeXtRa: AND a bad habit of reading everything thats posted
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
GuitarGuy632: I hate doing that
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
GuitarGuy632: If theres a lot of shit
MrBlOnDeXtRa: now i know how u feele
MrBlOnDeXtRa: :|
MrBlOnDeXtRa: poor guy
MrBlOnDeXtRa: *pats*
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
GuitarGuy632: Ugh
MrBlOnDeXtRa: haha
MrBlOnDeXtRa: itll be alright

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:11 am
by palmboy5
LOL i can imagine next message

*starts undressing*

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:31 am
by Antix
Q12321 wrote:MrBlOnDeXtRa: dude
MrBlOnDeXtRa: antix
MrBlOnDeXtRa: fucked up our forum
MrBlOnDeXtRa: :D
GuitarGuy632: I know
GuitarGuy632: Dumb bitch
MrBlOnDeXtRa: atleast when i did it wasnt as bad and u guys got mad
GuitarGuy632: I hate the dumb bitch
GuitarGuy632: And I know its a guy
MrBlOnDeXtRa: AND now, im over that crap
GuitarGuy632: But he's a bitch
MrBlOnDeXtRa: i dontcare about post count
MrBlOnDeXtRa: i used to (yes i wont lie)
MrBlOnDeXtRa: but now i dont
MrBlOnDeXtRa: i havea bad habit of replying to everything thats posted
GuitarGuy632: Yeh
MrBlOnDeXtRa: AND a bad habit of reading everything thats posted
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
GuitarGuy632: I hate doing that
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
GuitarGuy632: If theres a lot of shit
MrBlOnDeXtRa: now i know how u feele
MrBlOnDeXtRa: :|
MrBlOnDeXtRa: poor guy
MrBlOnDeXtRa: *pats*
MrBlOnDeXtRa: lol
GuitarGuy632: Ugh
MrBlOnDeXtRa: haha
MrBlOnDeXtRa: itll be alright

Take it you should have know I was gonna reply to this... I could be a complete @$$ about it, but I'm not gonna be. I'm one of the ppl who can sometimes post a lot in one thing, however I never use to read anything. I don't really giva $#!+ about post count, I started replyin' a lot and stuff had some fun let it go too far give me a break. And all someone had to really do was say something to me and if you're gonna call me a B*tch at least have the balls to say it to my face. I'm not mad or anything, just prefer that ppl say $#!+ to me instead of behind my back. IF PALM or anyone else in a serious manner asked me to stop spamming I would have and would have posted things a bit longer than "lol" and stuff. I'm sorry, and btw I didn't ruin these forums all on my own. Had a bit of help. Also, I'm a major fraud so most of the crap here just ditch what I said. I'm pretty much the opposite of a lot I said. Lot of reasons as to why I con/commit fraud, not going into them though.

That's one of the main reasons I don't like people, because everyone talks $#!+ about you and complains about what you do, but when push comes to shove they can't say $#!+ to your face. I'm and adult and can take what ya have to say. I've probably had worse said to me than what ya could say. And I know I shouldn't let any of this really get to me, but I mean it's just kinda f^cked up. I'll get serious with ya though, but you shouldn't point fingers at one person if several others were and/or are involved.

And why can't you post crap like this while I'm still here so I can get mad enough to beat the crap outta someone that lives close by that I hate and at least pretend that I have a reason to do so?...

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:59 pm
by Antix
Wow... no reply.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:05 pm
by Guest
palmboy5 wrote:LOL i can imagine next message

*starts undressing*

<edited by I7Iz490N to a reasonable amount>

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:03 pm
by Q12321
Antix wrote:And why can't you post crap like this while I'm still here so I can get mad enough to beat the crap outta someone that lives close by that I hate and at least pretend that I have a reason to do so?...
I'll do what the fuck I want to. (Don't use that as an excuse to say that you can spam as much as you want)
20 year old douche wrote:Wow... no reply.
Yeah, I don't post every 12 hours.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:12 pm
by Guest
ROFLMAO Q. "20 year old douche"

Funniest thing today! AHHAHA.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:21 am
by Antix
Q12321 wrote:
Antix wrote:And why can't you post crap like this while I'm still here so I can get mad enough to beat the crap outta someone that lives close by that I hate and at least pretend that I have a reason to do so?...
I'll do what the fuck I want to. (Don't use that as an excuse to say that you can spam as much as you want)
20 year old douche wrote:Wow... no reply.
Yeah, I don't post every 12 hours.

where the #3!! do you ppl get the idea of "excuse to spam"? I didn't say any of that. Your words not mine. I didn't say anthing about you doing what you want. You sound like someone with some issues of there own that just enjoys arguing with people to get some kind of satisfaction.

are you happy now that you got to speak your mind a little more? if not please do post some more of w/e...

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:45 am
by Q12321
I sound like someone with some issues of THEIR own that just enjoys arguing with people to get some kind of satisfaction? I like to concider myself a reasonable man. I have a job, I accept others' opinions (most of the time), I don't post 50 posts a day at a message board with only about 7 people, at the age of 20 let alone. I would go on, but, no.