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How much can you guys drink

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:18 pm
by 2005
Any of you guys drink on here??? I know some of you do.

This saturday me and my friend went to his friends house to drink. I've drank only 2 other times before this, once after our season opener football game my last year of HS and then after graduation I drank 6 16oz cans of beer. So I wanted to further test my ability to hold the booze but not get sloppy drunk. As a guage of how drunk I was, I keep shooting pool all while I drank. We started at about 11 o clock and drank till about 2 in the morning (well I did anyhow, they stoped at least an hour before) Ok so total I had 20 12oz beers and about 30oz of 80 proof rum strait. I played 8 games of 8 ball and won 6, I played 4 games of 9 ball and won all 4. My friend kept accusing me of being drunk so I read to him out of a book, did a little calculus problem for him (which he didnt understand to begin with) and then converted thesize of the hard drive in his friends computer from GB into into bytes. I woke up with no hangover and he did. Him and his friend each only had about 8.

How did I do, and how much can you guys drink without getting drunk???

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:54 pm
by palmboy5
.........................did ur dad drink?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:53 am
by neuralmop
Wow, I have to say that's pretty good. The most drunk I've gotten, I had sex with someone whose name I didn't remember (and, unfortunately, forgot almost every detail about the sex, except for the blow job at the end), but I was also stoned, and when I'm high I tend to forget things. The second, and last time I drank, I took in a Colt 45, and could still walk in a straight line, though I noticed I was a little tipsy. In either cases, there was no hangover.

I would think that you have some kind of inbourne tolerance to alcohol. :b Were you on a very empty stomach, and were you eating or drinking non-alcoholic things afterward?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:44 am
by Directive
Sorry, I dont drink. I was the guy in high school who would get high and laugh at all the other guys getting drunk.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:55 pm
by 2005
yea empty stomache restin, and yea I ate about a bag of dortios.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:48 pm
by palmboy5
what size bag

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:09 pm
by victimizati0n
i can drink about 6 cans of 7-up a night...

i dont drink often, acually i havemt had anything for like a year.

wtf u drank 20??? I highly doubt that, unless you forgot going to the hospitle getting your fucking stomach pumped from alchol poisioning.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:41 pm
by neuralmop
2005 is a pretty big guy, I would imagine that he could take in 20 in the time period he mentioned.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:26 pm
by philp
2005 wrote:We started at about 11 o clock and drank till about 2 in the morning (well I did anyhow, they stoped at least an hour before) Ok so total I had 20 12oz beers and about 30oz of 80 proof rum strait.
Okay, 20 brews I can see. But he also said he drank almost a liter (30 ounces) of rum on top of the beer. In a 3 hour period?????? That's where I have to call bullshit on that one. :roll: Especially for an amateur drinker. I don't care how large he is, it didn't happen the way he tells it.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:43 pm
by victimizati0n
yup, i just got done drinking 35 mike hards lemonaid, then i drank like 15 or so bottles of wild turkey.. damn, i dont even feel a thing, i feel fine acually, i think im gonna go out and drive around, since i aint even drunk!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:26 pm
by 2005
Blow it out of proportion how ever you'd like but what do I have to gain by lieing to a couple of IP addresses??? Anyhow the rum was watered down alittle bit because his 15 year old sister had been drinking it and didnt want the parents to know. The beers werent quite full each time because I cant pour from a keg without getting foam on top but less then 2 oz each time were missing. 3-4 hours for all that alcohol is a pretty long time if you weigh 295lbs. He claims that it was over 5 hours but I dont because even though I had my first one at 10 I only drank like 3 that hour and then really started drinking at 11 or so.

Oh yea, and my last 3 or 4 took me another hour too, so the majority of my drinking took place from about 11:30-1:00 the rest was pretty much nursing it down.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:21 pm
by philp
Still can't buy it, dude. Your weight has little to do with it. That much alcohol in that short period of time........