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Why flip phones??
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 2:20 pm
by palmboy5
I dont get it!!!! WHY?
i went on a couple sites that allow comparison of phones and i went and chose some of the best of both flip phones and the.. normal 'bar' phones.. undeniable conclusion:
Flip phones have larger dimensions
Flip phones weigh more
Flip phones lack features
Flip phones have less than half the battery life
especially those girls who put their flip phones in the pocket of their tight fit jeans.. (GJ U HAVE A HUGE LUMP) WOULDNT IT BE BETTER TO HAVE A THINNER 'BAR' PHONE?? WHAT. THE. FUCK. also, all those fucking IPODS, THEY ARE THIN, THEY FIT BETTER IN THOSE PANTS, THEY ARE JUST AS COMMON. but what?? they get a thin music player and get a fat ass flip phone?? there can only be two explainations of why they choose such an illogical combination:
1. They're fucktards.
2. They're fucktards.
is it really that fun to have to flip the screen up everytime, after spending unnecessary effort squeezing your hand through your pocket to pull it out?
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:44 pm
by 2005
Cell phones are stupid.
They cost to much, the service costs too much, their to small to talk on (atleast for me)
The signal gets dropped at random increments of distance.
Its all garbage.
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:13 pm
by palmboy5
eh? maybe the cost thing is true but... wtf? do you live in a rural area?
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:11 pm
by Directive
My cell service is fine most places I go.
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:23 pm
by 2005
I live in a pretty rural area.
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:26 pm
by palmboy5
yeah well um... so yeah that explains it XD
my cell service is apparently bad with T-Mobile, according to my dad.. lol a lot of his calls even go directly to voice mail for no reason. i think theyre fine, i mean... they are the ONLY provider that carries the GOOD phones, everyone else has the "oh it works and its cheap and its a shitty flip phone, people LOVE flip phones"
so yeah.. next provider wont be t-mobile and imma basically be stuck with a buncha flip phones as my options.
i guess that one isnt too bad..
i think it looks kinda nice
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:59 am
by Directive
I think your looking way too hard into this flip phone thing. I have Verizon and they haven’t done me wrong. Even my flip phone works perfectly well. You need to get over this obsession.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:32 pm
by palmboy5
i know im taking it too seriously, that why ill relax myself into getting a flippy and have a full evaluation, but thats as far as ill go
im just.. im hating Verizon right now..
apparently they destroyed the original OS by the cell phone maker and put in their own that force you to have a red border around the screen, that = wasted pixels for life. they also block anything on bluetooth except for a wireless headset so you cant really load any of your own ringtones or backgrounds, themes, etc. where can you get them? shitty ones for a dollar or more from verizon. you cant even load your own MP3s... i mean come on O_O say i already "bought" the song, theyre forcing me to buy it again just to listen to it on my cell phone??? they destroyed everything thats good about ANY phone
looks nice

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:26 pm
by neuralmop
My cell phone sucks in bed.
I mean, uh, it gets bad reception, when I'm in bed.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:37 pm
by Directive
palmboy5 wrote:i know im taking it too seriously, that why ill relax myself into getting a flippy and have a full evaluation, but thats as far as ill go
im just.. im hating Verizon right now..
apparently they destroyed the original OS by the cell phone maker and put in their own that force you to have a red border around the screen, that = wasted pixels for life. they also block anything on bluetooth except for a wireless headset so you cant really load any of your own ringtones or backgrounds, themes, etc. where can you get them? shitty ones for a dollar or more from verizon. you cant even load your own MP3s... i mean come on O_O say i already "bought" the song, theyre forcing me to buy it again just to listen to it on my cell phone??? they destroyed everything thats good about ANY phone
looks nice

Well, I got my cell phone from Verizon about 4 months ago and I don't have a red boarder anywhere. A friend of mine got a new cell for his Verizon account and got
that cell phone you pictured. He can add a 512 MB SD card to hold MP3s, pics movies, etc.... and all he needs to get is a patch cable for the computer, or download them to his phone.
Every company has there gimmicks and it all breaks down to what we consider is important to us as individuals. Personally I like have good coverage and choose Verizon because I heard good things about them and Consumer Reports gave them a great rating on the east cost. I have one of
these phones and I don't even use all the features.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:52 pm
by palmboy5
red border appears in phones that have been "upgraded" to the Verizon OS that blocks out functions that are mostly related to bluetooth, which your phone does not have, therefore there was no need to change yours.
thats scary.. lol i went on, your phone is the first one i looked at that got an average user rating below 3 of 5
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:21 pm
by mannyace
its true that verizon (i dunno bout others) will disable things and change things around in the phones OS... u have to accept that or u have to but a phone directly from the manufacturer (which is not common and more expensive) and then buy a plan and activate that phone (again expensive)
i personally like flip phones cuz they look better but more importantly that im used to see whos callin and flip open, talk, flip closed, no buttons pressed... i barely think i have the phone open
also i dont think u can have a belt clip for a bar phone... or i just havent seen it ever
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:25 pm
by palmboy5
... wow... how about i dont think u can have a belt clip for a flip phone... or i just havent seen it ever
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:42 pm
by mannyace
lol f u, its not like that was all i said, i had some other points... i have a belt clip for my flip phone, friends have em but pple i kno who have bar phones jus keep em in their pocket or whatever... i really havent ever seen one, im jus bein honest
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:51 pm
by palmboy5
lol jw, do you tuck in your shirt?