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If AMD's cutting its prices...

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:35 pm
by 2005
Then why has the Opteron 165 gone UP in price..... about a week to two weeks ago the opty 165 was going for 325$ on and now its up to 340$. WTF

Now the good deal has lost some of its luster, only way I still go opty is if they include the new 1337 HSF. Because after all... it OC's pretty nicely up to 2.7ghz with stock cooling (thats with the old stock cooler lol). So im betting 2.8-2.9 wouldnt be out of the question.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:44 pm
by palmboy5
what old stock cooler, it always came with the 1337 HSF, old stock cooler you must be talking about on socket 940.. which is.. different.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:46 pm
by 2005
Well the one you linked too.... I thought was new for all X2's and optys. Didnt know it was stock... that would explain the good OC's

But thats here nor their... why is hte price rasing if the cost went down.