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Huge fucking problem

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:53 pm
by Q12321
Okay guys, I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible:

I rebuilt my computer the other night, mainly to just clean it out and rearrange cables for better airflow. Everything went together just fine, no problems. Until I went to boot up.

Everytime I turn the computer on, there is no signal going to the monitor. I figured it would be a video card problem, but I've tryed two different cards (GeForce 7800GT OC PCIe and GeForce MX420PCI), same thing with each. I also checked the ATX12v connector, was plugged in and had voltage. I checked all other electrical lines as well, everything has power. I tryed 3 different PSUs just to be sure.

Not sure what's wrong. The cards are getting power at least, I just don't know what's going on. I hope I didn't somehow blow out the southbridge of my motherboard or anything...

Any clues?!?

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:51 pm
by palmboy5
what does turn on? sounds like you did blow out something on the mobo. oh and so like.. video card fan is on?

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:15 pm
by 2005
Try takeing out the ram and reseating it, if the ram isnt seated right it could be the cause of your issue.

Also if make sure your putting the GPU in the correct slot, as your mobo supports SLI no??? If not just try the other slot and see what you get.

Other then that just tear it all down, and slowly put it back together again in an open well light area.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:02 pm
by I7Iz490N

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:07 pm
by 2005
Also, if your card has 2 output slots... try the other one. Both should work, but try the other to be sure.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:30 pm
by Q12321
Okay okay aokyayay....

Well I pretty much tried everything, cleared the CMOS and all, nothing worked. I sent it to a local comp place, they said it was the motherboard that went bad. I believe it, because I tested the processor on a friend's comp, and they switched out the RAM to make sure it wasn't bad.

Soooo, I called Asus and sent it back to them. They'll make sure it's bad and send me a new one.... in 7-14 days.

I guess I'll see you guys then.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:50 pm
by 2005
Testing the power supply, the ribbons and the hard drives would have been another step as well. I wouldnt overlook the PSU, but since the ram and cpu were still good the mobo would be logical assumption providing the PSU didnt go bad.

Now in my case Id be F'ed if I ever had to trouble shoot like that because my system needs ATLEAST 485W and the closet I have to it is the 285W out of my HP and that wont cut it.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:56 pm
by Q12321
Yeah I tested and tried two PSU's as well, the 500W one I have in there, and the 400W one that came with my case. Both are fine. 8)

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:08 pm
by palmboy5
of all the boards, an A8N-SLI Premium went bad!!! this is horrifying o-o