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Little dispute

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:23 pm
by 2005
You see we happend to come into a peice of ground that has been in our faimly for years. It hasn't been used forever and was being auctioned off because the taxes weren't payed and we snuck right on in and stole about 2.9 acres of land for around $6,500.

The disupte is actually about how much ground is there. My dad thinks its almost exactly 2.5 acres while I reason its 2.9

The dimensions of the land are as follows:

Note this land isnt square

The top side is 420' while the bottom is 355' (its like a sort of triange... 175' then a change of direction and another 180').

The sides are 358' and 295'

So to make the lengths even I added them up and divded by 2 (to make a perfect rectangle).

Top Bottom
(175+180) + 420 = 775 775/2 = 387.5'

Side Side

358 + 295 = 653 653/2 = 326.5'

so 387.5 X 326.5 gives you 126,518 square feet of land

Its a given that 208'x208' = 43,264' and that 208'x208' is = to 1 acre

So by takeing our total number of square feet and divideing by the sqaure feet per acre we should come out with our acreage no? I got 2.9 acres of land.

He gets 2 and a half and heres how he got it...

He says okay... 208x208 or 208+208+208+208 (if you wanted to do it in feet and not square feet) = 1 acre. so 832 total feet equal 1 acre.

He adds up what we got.. which would be all 5 measurements.

And then somehow relates it the sum of the 4 sides of 208's. Im lost... but I think im right. I've attached a drawing lol...


Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:46 pm
by palmboy5
.. right.. lemme get a paper and sketch out what i think you say the area's shape is... lol would it be possible to measure the angles of the corners?

wait i think i get the shape now, and your drawing matches so thats good XD

really need angles

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:01 am
by 2005
Dont see why you would

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:28 pm
by palmboy5
it seems more like 3+ acres from what im doing o.O
heres what im picturing the land to be from your description, im assuming the two bottom corners are 90 degrees, if not then... i want angles ^^

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:36 pm
by 2005
Dont have angles dawg... but just reason with me here.

In order to get this irregular pentagon into a rectangle all you would need to do is add and divide correct?

take the two sides, add them up and then divide getting each side to be even. So it would be (358+295) / 2 = (each side)

Then you take [420 + (175+180)] /2 = (top and bottom) to give you an even top and bottm no??

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:52 pm
by palmboy5
that would be quite off, but definently closer than your dad's estimate, i still think its 3+ acres, due to you averaging the lengths of the 'top' like that i can see how you got a little lower than that